If you’re like most business owners, you rely on your smartphone or computer to stay organized. However, if you’re one of those people who still believe in the power of pen and paper, then I have some great news for you! A paper planner is still a valid way to organize your life. A paper planner is simple, efficient, and customizable – plus, it doesn’t require any batteries. Believe it or not, paper planners can be a lot more effective than electronic calendars for managing your time and tasks. Here are five reasons why you should consider using a paper planner and why it will increase your productivity
Paper planners are cheaper than electronic ones
Believe it or not, paper calendars are more affordable than electronic calendars. Electronic calendars are convenient, but the paper version is definitely cheaper. You don’t have to pay for updates or new apps. All you need is paper, a pen, and time.
Even paper planners aren’t that expensive if you buy them online, which takes away the need to visit stores. Electronic calendars, on the other hand, are more expensive than paper ones. Not only do you have to pay for your paper planner upfront, but paper planners also come with free calendar refills each year.

Some paper planners can be as cheap as $3.50, while others range from $30-50 – and that’s only the beginning! Then you also have to factor in paper, ink cartridges, and if your paper planner requires a computer program such as Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar. The price of those programs is typically around $100, and then you still have to pay for paper and ink cartridges. The cost almost doubles when all is said and done, while the paper planner typically costs only a fraction of that.
Plus, paper planners are reusable, so they don’t become obsolete after a year.
There’s no need to worry about your battery dying on you
A paper planner is just paper with lists on it, so it requires no power to use. In fact, paper planners have been around for centuries.
Do you know how awful it is when your electronic calendar runs out of battery at the most inopportune time? It can be frustrating, to say the least! You’ve got important meetings that you need to attend, and all of a sudden your device starts acting up.
However, paper planners don’t require electricity or any other power source to run. Even though paper planners don’t need batteries, paper planners with electrical components do exist. If paper planners with electrical components do interest you, then check out the paper planner from Tesla.
That means you won’t have to worry about your paper planner’s battery dying on you after it’s been fully charged. No worrying about finding the right power source, either.
Your paper planner is also yours. It’s not on somebody else’s server where you have to rely on them for updates and changes, and it won’t cost you anything if the company decides to raise its rates or cancel services. You can customize paper planners so they work best for your lifestyle. Not only do paper planners work offline, but you can also personalize paper planners to meet your individual needs. There are over 30 paper planner template styles available online so you can choose the one that best suits your unique preferences.

Paper planners don’t require any charging or syncing before use
Paper planners are paper, not electronics. That means you don’t have to charge your paper planner or sync it with a computer before using it.
Paper planners save a lot of battery life on your end. You don’t have to keep your paper planner charged or synced before you start using it, which is certainly more convenient than having to charge and sync an electronic calendar before you can use it.
Not only does charging take time, but paper planners require constant charging depending on how much you use it. Plus, paper planners are portable and small enough to fit in a purse or backpack, so there’s no need to leave paper planners at home while you go out. Plus, paper planners don’t need Wi-Fi access either.
Since paper planners aren’t connected to the internet, there’s no need for updates or syncing. Paper planner templates allow you to personalize your paper planner and make it unique so that it works best for you and your lifestyle.

Paper planners make you more productive
A paper planner helps you reach more of your goals. It gives you more control over what you do and when you get things done. Paper planners give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. There’s something very satisfying about being able to cross items off from your paper planner list – it makes you feel like what you’re doing actually matters.
Paper planners provide a better way to stay organized. You can organize paper planners by priority or theme. Paper planners provide a space for you to store your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks – paper planner templates even offer small spaces that you can use to list all of your personal and working reminders. A paper planner template does not limit the number of paper planner options available to expand and build upon.
Using paper planners has been proven to increase productivity by as much as 30%.
Paper planners are more versatile
Your paper planner calendar is yours to control. You can set up paper planners in any way that works for you, and paper planners give you an intuitive user interface.
It’s easier to track paper planner events on paper with a pen or pencil than it is with a touchscreen device. With paper planners, there are no clicks needed to activate paper planner events. If you need to take paper planner notes during a paper planner meeting, paper planners also provide large paper planner spaces that allow you to do so easily.
Your paper planner allows for an intuitive user interface. You can set up paper planners in any way that works for you, and it provides space to list all of your personal and working paper planner reminders.

You can also use paper planners to take notes during meetings and chats with your peers. When you’re done, all you have to do is tear out the sheet from your paper planner pad for reference later if needed. Plus, paper planners are easy to keep track of since they aren’t connected to the internet, so you don’t have to worry about paper planners being lost or stolen.
The paper planner is much cheaper, more reliable, and easier to use than an electronic one. There’s no need to worry about your battery dying on you or forgetting the charger in a meeting because there are none of those pesky charging cables. Paper planners also require very little maintenance before they can be used, unlike their digital counterparts that always have something wrong with them after being synced for the first time. You’ll find yourself feeling infinitely happier throughout your day when you don’t have to deal with software crashes or annoying bugs!
Paper planners make you more productive and allow you to be versatile when organizing yourself in a busy life full of meetings, events, work deadlines, and personal commitments. Have you already made the switch? If not then we highly recommend looking into purchasing one today! You won’t regret making this investment in yourself.