It’s never too late to make a change. Procrastination is one of the most detrimental habits that you can have, and conquering it is an important step in becoming successful. If you are reading this article, then you may want to learn about some techniques for avoiding procrastination. This article will teach you 6 ways to stop procrastinating!
Get up early
If you are like most people, then the first thing that pops into your mind when I say “procrastination” is waking up in the morning. Many of us have a terrible time getting out of bed early. If this sounds like you, here’s good news: it doesn’t mean that conquering procrastination is impossible for you! All it means is that conquering procrastination will take some work on your part.
One way to overcome this obstacle and wake up earlier every day is to make sure that your alarm clock or cell phone ringer volume isn’t too loud (or close by). You could also try using an online program such as which plays soothing music at specific times the night so that you can wake up easily in the morning.
I am a big believer in apps that help with things like procrastination. I’ve given a try and can definitely recommend it for morning procrastination. It can be your first step towards getting up earlier.

Make a list of tasks and prioritize them
A list of tasks is a crucial step in conquering procrastination. One way to make sure that you always have your top priority task on the top of your list is by writing them all down every day and prioritizing them based on their importance or urgency. This will help keep you from worrying about forgetting something important, which could cause more stress! You will no longer stress about deadlines.
If you keep all of your tasks in one place, then overcoming procrastination becomes much easier. I personally use ClickUp as my task manager. It has both a desktop and mobile application that makes managing my task lists so much easier. ClickUp really truly helps me to stop procrastinating. I am able to focus on a big project and meeting the deadlines because ClickUp is holding everything I need in order to do that. It makes me highly productive.
I have developed a proprietary planning system that utilizes my task lists. I actually take them from the software and write them down in a paper planner. This helps me to get organized and to stop procrastinating. There is something about taking the tasks from the computer and writing them down that gives me an extra level of control over my tasks.
I am also able to run on a weekly bucket system. For me, the week my tasks are due matters more than the actual day they are due in most instances. By writing them down in my planner, I can put my assignments on the days I want them in order to accomplish my goals.
One very useful way to stop procrastination is by planning out what you need to do the night before. This will help keep your mind from worrying about forgetting something important! It also helps lessen anxiety because you will be able to have a better idea of how much time it takes for each task, which means you will have a good idea of how much you are going to be able to complete.
Writing down a list of tasks and prioritizing them is very useful for conquering procrastination. But this only works if you have enough time to complete everything on your task lists! The best way to do that is by planning out how much time each task will take using an online program or app such as
Do difficult tasks first
Difficult tasks should be done when you have the most energy. Every time management program will agree with me on this topic. You must have the energy to complete the task at hand. Get it done now and you won’t have to worry about procrastination.
You know what they say: save the best for last. Well, conquering procrastination will be much easier if you take this approach with your tasks. Plus, it is a great time management tip! This way, you can finish hard things early and relax when all that’s left are easy tasks that require little energy to do (and therefore no procrastinating).
I personally use ClickUp as my task manager to plan out how much time each of my tasks will take. I am able to complete the most difficult ones first and work down from there, conquering procrastination in every step!
Do you have any other techniques for conquering procrastination? If so, please share them with me in the comments to this article. If a tip can make you feel like you are in control, it is a tip worth sharing with our community here at Top Tier Coaching Pros.

Challenge yourself to do more than you think you can do in an hour or day
I am a big believer in challenges. I think that if you procrastinate too much, setting a timer for an hour and challenging yourself to get as much done in that hour as possible will be a huge win for productivity. Being productive requires getting started and when you push hard for an hour it will make you feel the progress you’ve made.
An hour is the perfect amount of time to use for this challenge. You will get done more than you think, too. Avoid distractions while pushing hard during this hour. Focus on your assignment.
It is easier to get results when you stay focused and control your procrastination. I am a big fan of conquering procrastination in this way.
There are many ways to stop procrastinating, but these six techniques will help you take control over your life and avoid the stress that comes with putting things off! I hope they make it easier for you to get started so that you can be more productive on the days when you have a big project you must work on or you need to get organized. Overcoming productivity blocks like procrastination go a long way towards making you a better entrepreneur.
Set realistic goals for what you want to accomplish in the next month and year
Set goals and tackle them step-by-step
When you set goals, conquering procrastination will be much easier. However, your tasks must be realistic for conquering procrastination to happen! You won’t accomplish anything if the goal is too ambitious or impossible in a given time frame.
If your task list includes things that are not possible to complete within a certain time frame, then I recommend changing your approach so that you can easily conquer procrastination without any problems whatsoever! That’s why ClickUp comes with different project templates; this way, you can always have an easy answer when conquering procrastination becomes challenging. Smaller goals lead to bigger success over time as they accumulate into something huge – but only if you start now rather than putting them off until later.
I hope that this article has helped you find a new way to approach conquering procrastination so that it is no longer something you struggle with on a daily basis! I know how tough it can be, but conquering the stress and anxiety of putting things off will bring such freedom into your life.

If It Takes 2 Minutes or Less, Just Do It Now!
When faced with a list of tasks that takes less than 2 minutes to complete, it is a great idea to just get those tasks done. The act of crossing them off your list will empower you and make you feel accomplished.
This is a great strategy to stop procrastinating. It will also help you become more productive and get the results you want rather than putting things off until later!
I think this tip has a lot of merits, especially if conquering procrastination is something that’s important to you. I have used it in my own life with good success.
The Final Word
If you want to maximize your success and improve the quality of your life, get up early. The earlier we start our workday, the more productive we will be throughout it. It’s a simple idea that has been backed by research over and over again. Starting with something easy like making a list of tasks can help us prioritize what needs to get done first (and often hardest). From there, challenge yourself to do more than you think is possible in an hour or day; set realistic goals for what you want to accomplish in the next month and year; if it takes two minutes or less just do it now! Top Tier Coaching Services specializes in time management strategies so let us know how we can help make 2021 your best year ever. If you want to become a time management ninja, book a chat today!