When you hire a business coach, it is important to be aware of what they can and cannot do for your company. This article will break down the difference between an executive coach and a consultant so that you can hire the right person for your needs. It’s also important to understand how long a coaching engagement typically lasts as well as whether or not there are any costs associated with working with a coach. These details should help you decide if it makes sense to hire a business coach in order to take your company from good to great!
Business Coaches are Expensive!
A business coach is not cheap. It’s common for them to charge hundreds of dollars per hour, so hire one only if you are willing and able to make the investment in your company. If they ask for money upfront before helping with any strategies or tactics, keep looking! There are plenty of seasoned consultants out there that can offer their services without asking for a dime until you’ve seen results from their efforts. Top Tier Coaching Services offers the first 30 days with no payment so you can confirm we are taking you n the right direction.
Business Coaches Can’t Solve All Problems on Their Own
It is important to understand that hiring a business coach will not fix all of your problems overnight. They should be someone who helps build systems within your organization so that once coaching ends everything continues running smoothly by itself- at least most things anyway! A good coach will hire a team of assistants to help them do research, create marketing campaigns and speak with clients. Not only should they hire other people for these tasks but it is important that the coach also teaches you how to hire those people as well! That way you have an ongoing resource at your disposal instead of just hiring someone once or twice then being left on your own.

You Have to Spend a lot of Time With Your Coach
Even though it is possible to hire a business coach that does not need time with you on an ongoing basis, most coaches will want at least one meeting every week. This should be the case for both short-term coaching (i.e 30 days), as well as long-term engagement (i.e several months). It’s important that your coach has enough time to assess everything that is going on within your company and then make suggestions about what needs fixing or changing in order for growth to happen.
Being Coached Will Likely be Uncomfortable at First
It is not uncommon for a business coach to tell you things about your company that make you uncomfortable. A great hire will do this without making it seem like they are scolding or shaming but instead helping and guiding with the goal of improving the situation in mind. It takes time and effort on both ends before coaching starts working out well!

Working With a Business Coach Is an Ongoing Process
Finally, keep in mind that hiring a business coach can be an ongoing process depending upon how fast (or rather slowly) your company grows. If you hire someone who does nothing more than set up systems then once those become habit you probably won’t need them anymore- unless something breaks down along the way. On the other hand, if growth happens quickly there is a chance that you’ll hire another coach to help with the next phase of expansion.
It’s important for business owners and entrepreneurs to understand what it is like to hire a business coach. It’s also important for them to understand how long such an arrangement usually lasts as well as any costs associated.
It is Worth it in the End!
A good coach is going to inspire you to make changes. You are going to see your business grow. You will command more respect as a human being. Your time will solely be managed by you. This alone will make you less stressed.
When you hire a business coach, you are making a big commitment. This commitment will help you reach your goals. The investment of cash alone may inspire you to finally accomplish many of the goals you’ve had hanging around for a very long time.

A Coach is a Worthy Investment
I know that business coaching can be expensive, but it may end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. You will need to spend time with your coach and this may be uncomfortable at first as they help you identify things about yourself that might not feel good. It is worth it though because being coached will lead you down the path to becoming an even better leader than before. If all of this sounds too scary or overwhelming for now, we have some other options available at Top Tier Coaching Services where we work hard to make sure people are confident and ready so they can succeed no matter what their goals are!