
Top 6 Simple and Best Record-Keeping Habits Every Business Owner Should Build

Most business owners know that record-keeping is important. But knowing and doing are two different things. Entering the information into a system (or even a physical book) is tedious and putting it off is easy. It’s also very easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” and never get around to it. 

Some business owners are just born lucky. They can start a business, and it will be a raging success without any effort. The rest of us mortals must do some work if we want our businesses to succeed. 

Are you a business owner who struggles to keep good records? Do you wish there were an easier way to track your finances and stay organized?

How do you make sure that you’re doing this critical task regularly? By building simple and best record-keeping habits into your routine! Here are six of them: 

Keep a detailed and updated business calendar.

One of the best ways to keep records is to be organized and consistent. you can have is to keep a detailed and updated business calendar.


Calendars are amazing tools – not only do they help us keep track of time, but they can also be used to remind us of important events, like birthdays, anniversaries, and daily operations. But did you know that calendars can also be used for record-keeping? Maintaining an organized business calendar is one of the best practices for keeping records in check.

This should include deadlines, meetings, and other important events.

Having a central place where you can track all of this information will make your life much easier. Plus, it will help you avoid missing important deadlines or double-booking yourself.

Not sure where to start? There are plenty of great business calendars available online, like Google. Or, if you prefer a physical calendar, you can find plenty of those at your local office supply store.

Keep a detailed and up-to-date contact list of your customers, suppliers, and other business associates.

Any successful business owner will tell you that keeping a detailed and up-to-date contact list of your customers, suppliers, and other business associates is important. Having all this information in one place will save you time and headaches. After all, what could be more important than keeping track of the people who keep your business running? If you ever need to contact a customer or supplier, you’ll be glad to have their contact information. And if you ever lose touch with a business associate, you’ll be able to find them again easily. 

This list should include their names, phone numbers, and email addresses. You never know when you might need to get in touch with someone. If you have a lot of contacts, you might consider using a contact software management system like Outlook or Highrise. This will make it easier to keep track of your contacts and their information.

Create a system for tracking expenses, tax deductions, and all financial records

There are many best practices regarding record keeping, and one of the most important is tracking your business expenses. This ensures you have a clear picture of where your money is going and helps you identify potential tax deductions. Another is to track all of your financial records. This includes everything from bank statements and receipts to investment portfolios. By keeping track of your finances, you can ensure that you are always aware of your financial situation and make informed decisions about your money, saving you a lot of time and hassle come tax time. And, if you ever need to access this information for any other reason, it will be readily available.

There are many ways to do this, but one of the best is to use accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero. This way, you can easily track your income and expenses, create invoices and reconcile your accounts. You can also use a personal finance app like Mint or YNAB to track your budget and save money. Whichever method you choose, developing good record-keeping habits will pay off in the long run.


Back up your computer files regularly, and invest in cloud storage or other online storage.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to back up your computer files regularly. With so much of our lives and businesses now conducted online, it’s essential to have a backup plan in case of a catastrophic event. There are many ways to do this, but one of the best is to invest in cloud storage or other online storage.

That’s right – burying your hard drive in a coffin is the best way to ensure that your data will be preserved for future generations. Not only is it an effective method of protection from physical damage, but it also eliminates the need for pesky backups. And who doesn’t love a good excuse to visit a cemetery? Just make sure to use a headstone that marks the date of your burial, so future generations will know when to dig up your drive. With this foolproof method, you’ll never have to worry about losing your important files again.

Another good record-keeping habit is investing in a reliable backup system for your website. If your site ever goes down, you’ll be glad you have a backup plan. Many WordPress plugins can help you with this or use a service like BackupBuddy. Either way, ensure you have the plan to rest easy, knowing your site is safe and sound.

Maintain good filing habits

You can improve your business by maintaining good filing habits. This will ensure that all of your important documents are kept in a safe and secure place and that they are easy to access when needed. This will also help prevent messy or cluttered areas in your office, which can lead to lost or misplaced documents. In addition, maintaining good filing habits will help you to stay organized and efficient in your work.

This means creating a system for storing your files to find them easily when needed. There are many different ways to do this, but one of the best is to create a folder system on your computer. You can use folders to store files by project, by the client, by date, or by any other system that makes sense for your business. This will make it easy to find the files you need when you need them, and it will keep your computer organized and tidy.

Another filing habit is to create physical folders, like a filing cabinet, for your important documents. This way, you can easily access them when needed, and you won’t have to search through your computer files for them. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of physical documents that you need to keep track of. Creating physical folders will also help to keep your office organized and tidy, which will make it a less chaotic environment.


Stay organized

Being organized is undoubtedly one of the best record-keeping habits for your business.

Any business owner worth their salt knows that organization is key to success. This way, you can always find what you need when needed and don’t waste time looking for things scattered everywhere. Unfortunately, this isn’t always easy to do. Life creates chaos, and it can be hard to keep everything in its rightful place.

Developing the habit of maintaining a to-do list is one of the best organizational methods. This will help you keep track of all the tasks you need to accomplish and ensure that you don’t forget anything important. This will also help you prioritize your work so you can focus on the most important tasks first. One of the best ways to develop a to-do list is to use a software program like Trello or Asana. These programs allow you to create different boards for different projects, and you can add tasks to each board.

After all, good record-keeping habits are essential for any business. Not only will they help you keep track of your finances, but they’ll also help you keep track of your inventory, customers, and appointments. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of life, take a deep breath and start organizing. It’ll make a world of difference for your business.

Conclusion – Best Record-Keeping Habits!

If you want to keep your small business running like a well-oiled machine, developing good record-keeping habits early on is critical. By keeping a detailed and up-to-date calendar, contact list, expense tracker, and file system, you’ll save a lot of time and headaches.

These are six of the best record-keeping habits for your business. Implementing these habits will help you stay organized and efficient, making it easier to find the information you need when you need it.

Of course, you can develop many other habits to help you keep track of your business finances and operations. But if you start with these six, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your business organized and efficient.