Working harder might make you more money, but working smarter will help you keep it. This is a concept that many business owners and employees alike do not seem to grasp. It’s like they don’t realize that no matter how hard they work, there is always someone out there who works even harder than them and takes their job or customers away from them.
It doesn’t matter if your goals are to earn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time–the only way to achieve those goals is by using smart strategies like delegating tasks and outsourcing non-core functions so you can focus on what matters most: growing your company!
In reality, though, it’s not always easy to work smarter especially when we have so many obligations and distractions going on at once. What if there was a system for business owners that allowed them to work smarter without having all these distractions?
In today’s blog post I will talk about how entrepreneurs can stay focused and get more done with what they have, work smarter without getting distracted.

Stop multitasking,
The first step in working smarter without getting distracted is to work on one thing at a time. Multitasking might seem like the way to get more work done but it’s actually not beneficial for you or your business. Many people think they work better when thinking about multiple projects simultaneously, but in reality, this just takes away from the work.
When you work on one thing at a time, you work on it more effectively because you’re giving your full attention to the task. We only have so much capacity for attention and if we try to work on too many tasks at once, we’ll only work on the one with the most priority, and work will suffer. Instead, work on one task, complete it and then move on to the next.
Working on one thing at a time will also allow you to work more deeply which is always better than wasting time juggling multiple tasks.
Take breaks
When you work without taking a break, chances are your work will suffer. Your work will be more scattered and less focused which is the last thing you want. It might seem like working non-stop for hours on end would make you work faster, but it’s actually the opposite.
When you work on one thing at a time, work deeply and work without distractions, you’ll increase your productivity. This is because when we work non-stop, our minds can’t focus as well. For many people, it’s hard to take breaks because they feel like taking a break means wasting time so they try to work straight through their workday.
Taking work breaks is actually helpful when it comes to productivity because when you work in intervals, you work more intensely than if you work straight through your workday. So instead of working 8 hours straight without any breaks, work for an hour and then take a 15-minute break. Your mind will thank you because not only will your work be more productive and you work smarter, but you’ll reduce the likelihood of using work as an escape from other problems in your life.

Front-load your week
It’s important for entrepreneurs to work backward when planning their work schedule because it helps them work more productively and work on the most urgent task without getting distracted by everything else going on. Working backward means you work on what’s important first.
It may appear as though working backward makes you work less, but it actually results in you working more. Working backward is based on deadlines and planned outcomes, so this allows your job to be completed correctly rather than rushing through it because you’re afraid it won’t be finished on time.
Work backward by starting to work towards the deadline. For personal projects, work backward by starting with your deadline or goal and work forward from there. You’ll find that when you work in intervals and work in this way, you’ll actually get more done in less time than trying to work on everything at once.
In order to work backward you must work on your top priority first, then you work on the next most important task, and so on. When you do things this way, it forces you to work more effectively, especially when you’re working under a tight deadline or experiencing a time crunch.
If your goal is to become an overachiever, work smarter without getting distracted, work on what’s important first, and work backward to work more productively. It will allow you to work smarter, not harder so that you can become more successful.
Take an afternoon nap
Although some work may not allow for naps, many work environments work flexibly so you can work on more than one task at a time.
When it comes to work productivity, taking an afternoon nap is actually very effective because it helps your mind stay fresh and more focused. When you sleep, your body rests but your brain doesn’t shut down. When you work, your brain is very active and creates new connections.
Sleeping for a short period of time during the workday also helps boost memory, creativity, and work production. So if you work from home or work flexible hours, taking a nap is a great way to work smarter and work on more than one project at a time without getting distracted.
This work habit is a great way to work smarter and work on more than one project at a time without getting distracted.
However, work naps work best if there is a set time and must be no longer than 30 minutes.

Turn off notifications
For many people, their work and personal life are connected and they receive calls or texts from family members throughout the day. This can be work-related or work personally. Either way, work interruptions are work distractions that work against you.
It can take work effort to detach yourself from work and focus on what’s happening in your life outside of work. Your loved ones appreciate your work but may not be aware of how much time you spend working.
Many work productivity problems can be solved very easily by working with work breaks, working smarter without getting distracted, and working backward. But work notifications are something that is hard to deal with because they take up time when you’re trying to work on other projects.
If at all possible, turn off work notifications when you’re in the middle of working on something work-related. Just knowing notifications are waiting on your work phone or email can distract you from working on the task at hand, so it’s best to work on one thing at a time.
You might think that you’re a productivity powerhouse, but there are some simple things you can do to make it easier on yourself. If you want to start working smarter and not harder; stop multitasking and take breaks. Front-load your week by planning out your tasks for the week before Friday rolls around, then turn off notifications so you don’t get distracted from what’s important. Take an afternoon nap if possible—you’ll feel refreshed when you wake up! And finally, stop checking social media during work hours because we all know how addicting scrolling through Instagram or Facebook can be!
The last step is up to you—which one will you start with?