The internet is a wonderful place with so many opportunities for self-promotion. The first thing you need to do is find the right social media platforms for your business. Then, create a profile, post some content and take advantage of all the free tools available to help you promote your company.
Social media is a great way for business owners to promote their companies, but it can be tricky. You don’t want to come off too strong or too desperate, but you also don’t want to seem like you’re just lurking around waiting for your next sale. Here are some ways that you can self-promote on social media without being annoying.

Don’t post more than once a day in a self-promotional way
Social media is not the place to self-promote all day long. If you do, people will begin to unfollow you immediately. The whole point of self-promoting on social media is to make it look like your account exists for more than self-serving reasons.
If you self-promote too much, followers will get tired of seeing your posts and it will become useless. You really shouldn’t self-promote more than once a day in order to keep the content from becoming annoying.
That being said, self-promoting your business isn’t a bad thing if it’s done correctly. In fact, self-promotion is important not just on social media but also on your business’s website, in print materials, or anywhere else.
Don’t self-promote on days when you’re feeling lazy. Don’t self-promote with images that don’t have a lot of pizazz and quality because it just won’t be as effective. Don’t self-promote the same product too often either, or people will just ignore it.
Include relevant hashtags with your posts to make them easier to find
Social media is all about sharing your thoughts, feelings, and interests with other people. You can self-promote on social media without being annoying by including relevant hashtags with your posts. The more hashtags you use, the better your chances of people finding and clicking through to read what you have to say about your business.
When you self-promote on social media, it can be helpful to include hashtags that relate to you and your business. Including a few relevant hashtags with each post is a great way for potential customers to easily find your social media profiles. Using hashtags that are too specific or uncommon won’t be very effective because they probably won’t be used frequently enough for you to gain any traction. However, if you use popular hashtags related to your business, you’ll find more users who are interested in what you have to say and self-promoting will become much easier.
This is the best way to self-promote on social media without being annoying. Remember that your self-promotion should still appear natural and not spammy, so hashtagging appropriately is of the utmost importance.
Share other people’s content and engage in conversations on social media
If self-promotion is the only thing you’re doing on social media, people will definitely notice. If self-promotion is all you do on any platform, your page won’t have much of an audience because it’ll be full of self-serving posts that nobody wants to read.

It’s important not just to self-promote but also to interact with other users. Ask questions, answer questions, comment on posts, share photos and create conversations just like you would if self-promoting wasn’t the main purpose of your page.
Social media is a place where people go to chat with others and learn new things. By self-promoting only every once in a while, you’ll remind followers that you’re there and ready to chat when needed.
It’s annoying to see other people’s material and participate in discussions with a lot of self-promotion. Just remember that self-promoting your business is important, but there are ways to do it without making the people following you feel like they’re being used for their attention or friendship.
Keep it professional – don’t use too many emojis or slang words like “slay” or “hilarious”
When self-promoting your business on social media, always make sure to keep it professional. There are no excuses for posting self-promoting material that’s full of typos, slang words or emojis because you just can’t get away with it.
Especially when self-promoting online, people expect you to have good writing skills since you’re writing about your business. This means that there’s no room for poor grammar or spelling mistakes, and self-promoting content with emojis is just childish and unprofessional.
Slang words like “slay” can be funny in regular context but don’t belong on social media accounts dedicated to self-promotion because they make you look like less of an expert.

Again, self-promoting posts should be professional because it’s important for your page to stand out as an authority on the subject. If you want people to take you seriously, always make sure that self-promotion is well written and free of mistakes or slang words.
Key Takeaways
You might be surprised to hear that many of your self-promotional posts are coming across as annoying.
If you’re posting more than once a day in an attempt to grow your following, it might be time for some self-reflection. Remember that social media is all about building relationships. Be sure to post engaging content and share other people’s posts as well.
It’s time for a few changes in how you promote yourself on social media, and we can help! At Top Tier Coaching Services, we’ll teach you what not to do when promoting yourself on social blogs or other forms of digital marketing so your customers will want more from YOU – instead of feeling like they’re being sold something at all times.