How to Have an Amazing Morning Workout Routine

How to Have an Amazing Morning Workout Routine

A morning workout routine is a great way to start the day. Top Tier Coaching encourages clients to exercise and eat healthy so they can be successful in their business ventures. In this blog post, we share the morning workout routine that our coaching professionals use for themselves and their clients!

Get up an hour earlier than usual

Most people complain they don’t have time to workout. This can easily be overcome by waking up an hour earlier than usual. This immediately gives you an additional hour in your day.

Get a morning workout buddy

Having a morning workout routine is so much easier when you have someone else to motivate and push you. Work out with your spouse, roommate, significant other or even another entrepreneur!

Drink plenty of water pre-workout & post-workout

Dehydration can cause nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Drink plenty of water before and after morning workouts to stay energized throughout the day!

This one small change–getting up earlier–is going to make a huge difference in your self-care routine. Give this tip a try and let us know in the comments below how it went.

morning workout

Drink a glass of water

Drink a glass of water before morning workouts. This will make you feel better and energize your body for the day! Water helps your muscles generate energy. This will make your workout much more efficient.

Drinking water is a habit you should have already developed. Apply it before your morning workouts and you will see increased energy.

Do 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 30 squats

A morning workout will not only give you more energy, but it is great for your metabolism! Do a morning routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats to stay healthy. This routine can be modified based on physical limitations or what equipment you have available to use during the morning workouts.

These three exercises are quick and easy so you can do them before you get ready for the morning.

If your morning workout habits are not as productive as they could be, try this morning routine and let us know how it goes!

How to Have an Amazing Morning Workout Routine

Take a shower or bath 

Taking a morning shower or bath is one of the most important habits to develop. Not only will you feel refreshed, but it gives your mind time to wake up for the day ahead! It also makes morning workouts more invigorating and fun so be sure not to skip this step in your morning routine.

Make bedtime part of morning routines

Make morning activities part of your morning routine. Start with making the bed, drinking water, and working out to make sure you are prioritizing self-care in the morning! This will set a healthy tone for your day before it even starts.

If morning workouts cause stress or anxiety then start small by waking up an hour earlier than usual and drinking a glass of water. Being healthy is the foundation for success, so start your morning by taking care of yourself!

How to Have an Amazing Morning Workout Routine

Put on your favorite outfit to start the day off right! 

Putting on your favorite outfit can really help you start the morning off right. Waking up and getting ready in a rush will put you in a bad mood before they even begin!

It may seem silly, but wearing clothes that make us feel good also makes us do better throughout the day. Making sure you are putting together an outfit to be proud of every morning will help you approach your morning with a more positive attitude.

Start the morning off right by making self-care part of your daily routine! These three activities are small changes that can have huge impacts on mental health and productivity throughout the day. Try them out for yourself or encourage others to do so in this article.

Eat breakfast

Eating breakfast is the most important morning routine. It gives you energy throughout the morning and also helps prevent overeating later in the day!

Not sure what to eat for breakfast? Try out some of our recipes here.

It can be hard not to hit snooze when waking up, but if you make morning self-care a priority, you will have a much more productive morning!

Mornings can be hectic and stressful. However, with these five simple changes to your morning routine, you can have an amazing morning before work ever starts.


It’s always a good idea to start your day off on the right foot and get in some exercise before you’ve had breakfast. But let’s be honest, we all know that this is easier said than done which is why we created our morning workout routine for busy people! We recommend doing 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 30 squats followed by taking a shower or bath with your favorite soap (or use ours!). Then put on your favorite outfit so you’re ready for whatever today brings. Don’t forget to eat something really healthy like eggs or bacon first thing when you wake up because it will provide sustained energy throughout the whole day. If getting an early workout sounds too hard on weekdays but not weekends, try waking up an hour earlier than usual and drinking a glass of water before you get your morning started. If morning workouts make you anxious or stressed, try starting with something simple like making your bed (or leaving it unmade if that’s more fun for you). Most importantly remember to put on some clothes that make you feel good!

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