I’m sure we’ve all been there at one point or another in our business careers – that dreaded client that seems to suck the life out of us with their demands and endless requests. It’s happened to all of us. We take on a new client, full of hope and optimism, only to have it turn into a total nightmare. They’re demanding, difficult, and nitpicky. We all have those difficult customers that seem impossible to please or work with – but there comes a point where enough is enough. It’s important for us as business owners to recognize when a situation is too toxic and cut our losses before things get worse.
When it comes to bad clients, sometimes the best thing you can do is fire them. It’s not an easy decision, but it’s often the best one for your business. Here are a few tips on how to do it without damaging your business relationships.
Make a list of all the things that are wrong with your client
This may seem like a harsh thing to do, but it’s a valuable exercise. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it can be difficult to see the situation objectively. By writing down all of the things that are wrong with your client, you can get a clear picture of just how bad the situation has become. This will help you to clearly communicate the situation and what is causing the issue. It can also help to solidify your position in case there is any conflict.

Think of all the bad things that have happened, and everything that’s gone wrong. Write them down to get it out of your head and into a more manageable place. Think deeply about which issues are the most detrimental to your business and how much time, energy, and money they’re costing you. Once you have a good list, prioritize them in order of severity.
When you’ve gotten things off your chest, you can begin to deal with them in a more level-headed way.
Set up a meeting to end the engagement
Bad clients cause a lot of stress, which isn’t good for any business. When things are really bad, take the time to meet with your client to discuss the issues you’ve had and why it’s necessary that things come to an end. You can’t do this over email – you need to have a conversation in person or on the phone.
When you’ve decided to end your working relationship with a client, it’s important to give them enough notice. Set up a meeting in person or over the phone, and make sure to bring your list with you. You can use this opportunity to go through all of the issues that have been plaguing your professional relationship, and officially declare an end to your working relationship. This is also an opportunity for you to ask what went wrong, and how you can improve in the future.
This confrontation may feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s necessary to move forward with your professional life. It’s important to remember that every business owner has a right to turn down any client if they are not a good fit, and you may be surprised at how relieved you feel after getting this weight off your shoulders. Ending a bad client relationship can be difficult, but it’s worth it in the end. You’ll be able to breathe a little easier and focus on attracting better clients in the future.
Follow-up by phone or in-person if they have questions about finding someone else
Hopefully, your client will understand why things didn’t work out and why it’s necessary to end the relationship. However, there’s always a chance that they’ll have questions or concerns about where to go from here.
It’s possible that your client will have questions after you break the news. They may not understand why things ended, or they may be worried about finding someone to take over their project. If this is the case, follow up with them by phone or in-person to answer any questions they may have.
You can also provide them with a list of resources that can help them find a new business partner. This could be another business in your area or an online directory of professionals. If you have any personal recommendations, be sure to pass those along as well.

Closing a bad client relationship can be difficult, but it’s worth it in the end. You’ll be able to breathe a little easier and focus on attracting better clients in the future.
Remove them from all assets you’ve granted access to
One of the dangers of working with a bad client is that they may have access to your assets – and that can be a huge problem.
If your client has access to any of your company’s assets, you need to update this list with their termination. This will prevent them from having continued access to anything they shouldn’t have after the end of the relationship. If you’re not sure how this process works, contact IT for help.
If you’ve given your client access to any of your online accounts, be sure to remove them as soon as possible. This includes email accounts, social media profiles, and any other platforms where you’re storing information.
It’s also important to change your passwords and update your security settings. You don’t want your ex-client to have access to any of your personal or professional information.
If you’ve given them access to physical assets, such as office supplies or equipment, be sure to get them back as soon as possible.
Don’t be stressed about it!
It’s completely natural to feel stressed about firing a client. If you’re having trouble moving on, consider talking to someone about what has happened.
You don’t need to go through this alone. A good friend or family member may be able to help you work through these emotions, and give some helpful advice on how to move forward.
If you’re having trouble with the process, consider reaching out to a business coach. A coach may be able to provide extra guidance as you work through this difficult time.
The most important thing is to remember that this is a positive step for your business. You’re freeing up resources and making room for better clients. Don’t be stressed about it – just focus on the future.
You’ve got this! No matter how uncomfortable the conversation may feel, you’re doing your clients a huge favor by ending your professional relationship with them.

Now Take Action!
As the most successful companies in history have learned, it’s important to fire that terrible client before they can do any real damage. If you’re not sure whether or not your company is on this list of failures, take a look at all of these reasons why you need to break ties with them sooner rather than later.
With the right knowledge, you can fire that terrible client without feeling stressed about it. The first step is to make a list of all the things that are wrong with your current engagement and then set up a meeting to end this relationship. Follow-up by phone or in-person if they have questions about finding someone else for their project. Remove them from any assets you’ve granted access to so they don’t cause more damage before exiting stage left!
The bottom line is people deserve better clients than what they’re getting now- take control of who can sign on as one of yours today!