Episode 003: How to Have Effective Staff Meetings

Welcome to Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge, a podcast that explores the latest trends, strategies, and insights in the technology leadership world. From emerging technologies to digital transformation and beyond, we’ll discuss the most important topics and ideas shaping the industry today. Join us to learn all of the juicy secrets of tech leaders – their biggest successes (and failures) – on our quest for gaining that all-important technology edge. Ready? Let’s get started!

I’m here all alone in the studio, so I figured we would talk about how to run productive and effective weekly staff meetings that won’t waste anyone’s time and will keep upper management in the loop.

To start, it’s important to know why regular staff meetings are important. It can help team members stay informed on what’s happening, feel included in decision-making processes, and ultimately create a strong sense of collaboration amongst the staff.

Now that we understand the importance of weekly meetings let’s dive into how you can ensure they don’t waste everyone’s time.

Setting an agenda ahead of time for a weekly staff meeting is crucial for ensuring it doesn’t turn into a waste of everyone’s time. Having a clear purpose and plan for the meeting allows everyone to know exactly what topics will be discussed, who will speak on each topic, and how long they have to speak. This provides structure to the meeting and keeps everyone focused on the task. Additionally, sticking to this agenda helps ensure that all relevant topics are discussed promptly and no one feels like their ideas or thoughts were not heard or validated.

It is important to focus on actionable items in a weekly staff meeting that are relevant to everyone in attendance. This ensures that everyone can contribute and understand the topics being discussed and how their role affects the team’s goals. Additionally, focusing on actionable items can help the team stay motivated and make progress towards reaching their objectives. Doing this also helps avoid non-essential conversations that can take up valuable time and distract from the main goals of the meeting.

Keeping a meeting well-structured by having a designated leader and ensuring each person only speaks when they have something relevant to add is important to ensure the meeting stays on track and efficiently. Having one person lead the conversation keeps everyone focused and on task while allowing for meaningful dialogue between participants. Additionally, suppose each person only speaks when they have something relevant to add. In that case, it prevents conversations from getting off track and allows for time for everyone’s ideas to be considered.

A manager needs to ensure that everyone understands their roles in the meeting by clarifying which tasks need to be completed by whom. Doing this helps keep all participants organized and accountable, as everyone will understand their responsibilities and what needs to be done. Additionally, it shows team members that their contributions are valued, as each of them will have a clear idea of how they can impact the meeting outcome. By doing this, it also helps foster an environment of collaboration and trust between the manager and team members.

It is important to record decisions made during the meeting and follow up with an email or slack message later if needed. Doing this will help everyone involved to stay on top of any action items decided in the meeting and provide a reference point for future conversations. It is also useful for clarifying agreed-upon points and ensuring that all participants are aligned. Recording decisions also serves as an effective form of accountability and communication, helping to ensure that tasks are completed promptly.

It is important to end each meeting with a recap and summary of action items for the following week. Doing this helps ensure that everyone involved is on the same page and understands what tasks need to be completed and by when. Additionally, it creates an organized tracking of progress and allows team members to be held accountable for their actions. Summarizing action items at the end of each meeting also helps keep teams focused and motivated, allowing them to stay on track with their goals.

I recommend using my proprietary system called PACE for meetings. The PACE meeting is a tool used by teams to increase their productivity and help them reach their goals. The acronym stands for Productivity, Accountability, Clarity, and Execution. These four elements provide the framework for effective meetings, helping teams stay on track and achieve their objectives. It also serves as a way to create structure within the team and ensure that tasks are completed on time. By utilizing this tool, teams can maximize productivity while maintaining clear communication throughout the process.

Every month, each team member will set monthly goals they want to achieve. These goals are reviewed and assessed at each meeting, allowing the team to track progress and offer support when needed. Bonuses are often awarded based on goal completion percentages, which means that it is important for all team members to agree with the goals set by each individual. Additionally, it helps to create a sense of accountability within the team, as members are held responsible for achieving their agreed-upon goals.

A key component of PACE meetings is discussing what is working and what isn’t. By doing this, the team can identify any issues that need to be addressed and develop solutions together. After identifying any problems, a task can be assigned, along with a specific stakeholder responsible for completing it. This helps to break down larger tasks into more manageable chunks while keeping all team members accountable for their part. By incorporating PACE meetings into your team’s workflow, you can stay organized and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

This is a very important and effective part of the PACE meeting system. By discussing what is working, you are celebrating the successes of your business. By discussing what is not working, you are staying on top of your organization’s problems. This keeps key trouble in the front, so everyone remains aware. 

The stakeholder will be responsible for sourcing who needs to work on the issue. They are the project manager for the process. This is how you get things fixed quickly and show the rest of your company that you take these things seriously.

It is the one thing I used as a CTO that always got results. It enabled my CEO to see exactly what we were working on.

The “PACE report to management” recaps the PACE meeting given to upper management. It is an effective communication tool, helping keep the team and upper management on the same page. This report helps the team get support from higher-ups and keeps them in the loop about any big issues or tasks that need to be addressed. It also outlines who is responsible for handling said tasks, ensuring that everyone knows their roles. The PACE report to management encourages collaboration between team members and upper management, allowing effective problem-solving and success.

So, that’s all I have for you today. Give these things a try, and you will improve your staff relations as well as your relationship with upper management

Thanks for tuning in to Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge! We hope you’ve had a great time with us, learning everything you need to know to stay ahead of the technology curve. Remember: be curious, be updated on all the latest trends, and show them who’s boss. Until next time, we’ll be back with plenty more techy tips and tricks so you can stay on top of your game. See ya!