Self-care. It’s a concept that is thrown around a lot lately, and for good reason. If you’re going to be of any use to anyone else, you have to take care of yourself first – it’s just common sense! But let’s face it: sometimes self-care can be really hard work.
Most entrepreneurs neglect to take time for themselves. This is because they are so focused on their business and other people’s problems, that it can be hard to remember what matters most. But you don’t have to sacrifice your health or sanity in order to grow a successful company. Here are six ways that you can incorporate self-care into your schedule:
1. Set aside time for yourself every day
This time should be relaxing and rejuvenating. This time is for you. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, nor does it matter how much time you set aside – the point is to make sure that this time is a sacred time that belongs just to you!
Setting time aside every day for yourself can make a huge difference in your productivity levels.
Whether it is a time of day that you normally would not have time for – perhaps early in the morning before anyone else wakes up – or an opportunity to stay in bed after your spouse gets up and make yourself breakfast, make sure you are taking time to look after yourself. Find something that is relaxing and makes you happy. Setting time apart each day to do something that you really enjoy will help you take time for yourself without it feeling like a chore.
Make time for yourself a priority, not an option. Your time on this planet is short! Don’t let your time get taken up by other people’s demands or problems.
2. Take a break from the internet and social media
In today’s world, everything seems to happen online or on our phones. People are often glued to their devices, spending time on social media and the internet even when it is time for them to relax. Make time in your self-care time for yourself to enjoy being away from those devices!
The time that you spend on the internet can add up really fast. It starts with just a few minutes here and there. Then, before you know it, your time spent on the internet has turned into hours.
For those who work from home, this time can also be time spent away from the computer screen! Just as important as time spent taking care of yourself is time spent thinking about what you want and need in order to keep on track with your goals. It’s important to remember that most of what we do on the internet is not time well-spent.
3. Spend time outside in nature or at a park
Being outside in nature has time-tested health benefits that cannot be ignored.
Spending time in nature can benefit you in a variety of ways. It helps your body to relax and it allows time for stillness, which is great for your emotional well-being.
Getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life will help you relax your mind and ease your body. Even if only for a few minutes, time spent outdoors can drastically improve your mood and focus.
Nature time can help you to de-stress and de-intensify from time spent dealing with others’ issues. If you have time to spend time in nature during your self-care time, you will come back feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world!
4. Get enough sleep – this is so important to your mental health!
It’s time that you invest in yourself. Make time for yourself each day and put quality time into it. You will be glad that you did when you are feeling better, focusing on the things that matter, and making time for loved ones!
Getting enough sleep is essential to your health in more ways than one!
The quality of your time spent sleeping is just as important as time spent taking care of yourself. You should not skimp on sleep time or deprive yourself of a restful night’s sleep in order to get more work done!
Loads of evidence supports the fact that we need sleep to function at our best. This time gives you time to relax and time to de-stress.
Sleep time is time that your body uses to recharge. If you don’t spend time resting and recharging, your time spent on self-care will be less effective. If you are not getting enough sleep every night, you will burn out very quickly and won’t be able to maintain your focus or energy levels throughout the day.
5. Eat healthy, whole foods regularly
When time is limited, it can be really tempting to grab a quick bite or drive-thru.
However, time spent on yourself does not have to mean time spent preparing food!
Your time spent taking care of yourself each day is also time you should spend making sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs. Eating healthy and whole foods regularly is good for your physical health as well as your mental health!
When you don’t eat consistently throughout the day, it’s a downward spiral. Your focus will flag, your energy levels will plummet, and you’ll find yourself craving sugary or salty foods that are not to be healthy for you.
Eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious snacks will help you to reset your mental clarity!
6. Don’t be afraid to take care of your body with self-care rituals like baths, massages, haircuts, etc., even if it’s just once a month!
You work hard. You deserve time away from your computer screen! Make time each day to take care of yourself, even if it’s only 15 minutes. Your time spent taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be an hour-long indulgence; you can make small changes that have a big impact!
If you take time for yourself, even if it’s only every other month, time spent away from your responsibilities can help you reset and refresh.
Even a simple bath or a massage will give you time to relax and time to remember that time spent on yourself is time that should be dedicated to making sure that you are in
One time a month is not going to be too much time out of your busy schedule!
You know what they say, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!” It’s time to give yourself the attention you deserve. Whether it’s setting aside a little bit of time for yourself every day or getting in touch with nature more often, there are so many easy ways to start taking care of your mental health and physical well-being. Remember that even small steps count when working towards building up your self-care routine!
Are you going to start focusing on yourself? What does this mean to you personally?