practicing gratitude

6 Ways to Increase Your Income Using Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful force that can change your life. It has the power to increase your income, improve your health and relationships, and make you happy. Practicing gratitude is a simple, yet effective way to overcome limiting beliefs and fears that may be holding you back from having the type of relationships, career, and business that you desire.

Practicing gratitude is a surefire path to attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t. Practicing gratitude can help increase your income by teaching you the importance of focusing on the positive, as well as motivating you to take action towards achieving your goals. Practicing gratitude increases hope for a better future, decreases feelings of powerlessness

If you aren’t practicing gratitude, here are six ways to use it to increase your income:

Write down everything you’re grateful for.

What you put your attention on expands, so by taking a few minutes to write down all the things you’re grateful for, you’ll be putting more of that into your life. Putting your desires, wants, and needs down on paper is a powerful way to manifest them into your reality. This doesn’t mean recording them in the manner of I require more clients. It’s far better to express things like, “I am thankful for my health, which allows me to accomplish amazing things every day.” Don’t be afraid or ungrateful for what you already have. Practicing gratitude helps to keep us grounded and aware of the abundance we already have in our lives.

Right after you write down all the things you’re grateful for, read through your list at least twice a day. Practicing gratitude needs to be a part of your daily routine if you want to see the results in your life.

Doing this will help your subconscious mind and inner self-talk focus on gratitude and appreciation as a way of life.

practicing gratitude

Spend time with people who are happy and have a positive outlook on life.

People who have this mentality are self-assured in everything that they do and have faith in themselves. They know how to live life to the utmost and reach their objectives. These types of people have a drive that will inspire you, motivate you, and help you find your own sense of purpose.  Make an effort to spend more time with these kinds of people, and less time with those who don’t share in your positive outlook. If you have to, force yourself. Pending time with individuals who are glum or down on themselves will have a detrimental influence on your productivity.

Find methods to transition the discussion towards appreciation, even if you’re just out with your pals. Gratitude is a wonderful ice breaker since it benefits everyone in the group.

Meditate to clear your mind of negative thoughts

Practicing gratitude and meditation go hand in hand. Practicing gratitude first and then meditating on what you’re grateful for helps to dissolve those limiting beliefs and ongoing negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are some of the biggest blocks that maintain limiting beliefs.

Practicing gratitude while meditating clears out your mental and emotional space. It also allows you to create more space within your brain where new ideas can be created. Practicing gratitude and meditation together can supercharge your ability to manifest and attract the abundance that you desire into your life.

practicing gratitude

Keep up with the news so you can stay informed about what’s happening in the world 

Practicing gratitude while you’re watching the news will help you to feel empowered rather than victimized by all the world’s negativity. You don’t have to listen to the fear-based news on television. Practicing gratitude for knowing what’s going on is a great way to remain open, non-judgmental, and compassionate.

Building your knowledge of your chosen career field is a surefire way to keep attracting clients and high-paying opportunities. As time goes on, new information will be created about both your industry and the world around us, meaning that you’ll need to stay updated with these changes if you want to continue succeeding.

Find ways to be creative – paint, write or do something else that brings out your creativity

Creativity is another way to raise your vibration. People who are creative live in a realm of abundance. Practicing gratitude for all of your unique qualities, talents, and abilities is a great way to get in tune with the more creative side of you. Additionally, it will help you to tap into it more often, which will bring opportunities for career advancement, new career pursuits, and more income.

practicing gratitude

Practicing gratitude makes us more appreciative of our existence and those around us, which in turn boosts those feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. This is why it’s been shown that practicing gratitude has a very positive influence on creativity.

When you’re expressing your creativity, you are sharing part of yourself with the world. Practicing gratitude while you do this will help you to see how blessed and fortunate you are for being able to channel your creative energy into something that you love to do.


There are many ways to increase your income, but one that is often overlooked is gratitude. It may seem too simple, or even hokey for some people, but the science behind it says otherwise. 

Use these steps to harness the power of feeling grateful for what you have, rather than focusing on what you don’t. Which one are you going to try first?

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