If you own a business, change can be a scary word. You may not want to make changes because you’re afraid of the unknown or scared that it will disrupt your current processes and workflow. Change might seem like too much effort for what little reward there is in return.
We hear this all the time from business owners who are frustrated with their current circumstances. The truth is that there are many ways to change your mindset, but it can be difficult sometimes. If you want to get started on changing your perspective, try these four easy tips!
Replace “I can’t” with “I won’t”
This change in words may seem to be a subtle change, but it makes a world of difference. In business, change is often seen as a daunting task that requires a lot of time and effort. The change from “I can’t” to “I won’t” implies that change itself is easy and will not require any additional work.
In the words of Jim Rohn: “When change occurs, some people grow and some people shrink.” People who change in a positive way are effectively saying “I won’t” to their old habits and routines. The change itself is easy; the change is in not making the poor choice anymore.
A few adjustments to the words you’re using will alter their negative connotations. It’s empowering, and it will alter your perspective on change.

Stop comparing yourself to others
It’s important to remember that comparing yourself to others will only make things seem more difficult, and change does not have to be challenging.
Change can be easier than you might think. Everyone prefers to be with individuals who are superior to them, yet this does not indicate that change is difficult—it simply indicates that you may find it more challenging right now.
People who alter their perspective on change never compare themselves to others. They know that change will be difficult, so they focus on themselves and their goals rather than on how other people are doing. If change is simple for them, it should be as simple for you. Stop comparing yourself to others and adopt a new perspective now!
If you want to change your mindset, stop thinking about how much change will change your life. View change as an opportunity for self-betterment, and stay focused on the change you’ve decided to make instead of all of the changes that are out there.
You’ll never change your perspective unless you change something in your life, so go change it!
Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses
A change in perspective is change at its finest. If you’re looking to change your mindset about change, start by focusing on the positives instead of the negatives.
When you focus on change instead of your weaknesses, you have the strength to accept change as positive and beneficial. When you change your perspective on change, change suddenly becomes a change for the better.
Change is change—it’s always there whether you view it in a negative or positive light. When we change our minds in order to deal with change, it is because of this shift that the experience becomes so crucial. When change is presented to you, immediately think about how it will improve your life and if it seems challenging, look for ways to make it easier.
Every change that you encounter can be a positive change. It’s up to you to change your perspective on change and find the benefits hidden within the change itself.

Take time for yourself every day
A change in perspective is an important step towards acceptance of change, but it doesn’t have to be challenging.
Everyone needs change. You need change for your mind to function—you need change for growth. Making a change in perspective will alter your life, so take time for yourself every day to unwind and let yourself grow.
Take time every day for yourself in order to keep your mindset on point with what matters most: yourself!
It doesn’t matter if you change your daily habits or change your perspective, change itself can be beneficial and helpful to you if you know how to change the way you view it.
Taking time for yourself does not have to require a lot of energy or effort – it can simply be something that you do to relax at the end of the day. Change may be daunting, so think about how you want to change yourself rather than your surroundings. Change the little things in your life until change feels easier, whether you prefer it or not.

Do you know the difference between “I can’t” and “I won’t”? If not, I’ll give you a hint. The first one’s an excuse; while the second is a statement of power. You don’t need to be perfect in order to succeed either – stop comparing yourself with others and focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. And lastly, take time for yourself every day (even if it means only 10 minutes) because when we’re done taking care of ourselves, we will have more energy to take care of our business!
So what are some changes that might happen in your mindset?